Jonathan applied for a job on a whim; he was not "actively" looking because we were content with Vidalia being home for a while longer. Within two weeks, he was contacted to interview, interviewed and received an offer of employment. We were blown away with God's timing of it all and where we were mentally with our lives and near future. All of the logistics seemed and still seem overwhelming but after 2 relocations, we've learned God always takes care of everything no matter the obstacles. Here we are with baby due in 8 weeks, a house to sale in vidalia, having one weekend to find a place to live (which we did yesterday), booking movers and finalizing details with our new place and moving on Saturday! Denson has been a trooper and Jonathan has a gift for planning and handling details which makes the move as stress free as possible.
So this all happened in May...we went on a fun family beach trip with my dad and step-mom and while we were there, Jonathan got the call that they had an offer for him. We told our families about the big opportunity and quickly started laying out plans for this job change and move to Kennesaw. It's been challenging but with the help of our families, we've made it. We still need to sell our house in Vidalia and are praying that God will lead the right person or family to our wonderful home, and soon. We found a fabulous neighborhood in Kennesaw and are pretty much settled in. I am two weeks away from my due date and this summer heat is making it difficult to enjoy these last weeks but I'm getting some sweet one-on-one time with Denson :) Jonathan loves his new job and coworkers and is giving 110% at work and home...he's almost finished with summer classes which I'll be glad to see him have more free time to relax. He is one humble man and I'm grateful he's mine :)
There are moments of panic when I think how am I going to handle two kids and there are moments when I feel confident and know God has given me the gift of motherhood, equipping me with all the tools I need to take care of these babies. I see Denson's love for other kids and I know it's going to be a gift that keeps giving to see these two (whether it's a boy or girl) grow up together. By the way, it's not been difficult not knowing gender until now that we're so close...also, when I think about if it is a girl, only having two outfits for her to wear! I don't have a "gut feeling" either way but won't be surprised if this little one is a boy too.
We are pressed for time to find a new church home because we've had to get house unpacked each weekend since we moved and now baby will be arriving very soon. That is our goal, along with enrolling Denson in Mother's Day out because he will be ready for it as much as I will, come August. I am not the best playmate considering its uncomfortable to stand for more then 10 minutes and not much flexibility when I'm sitting on the ground. We've been playing a LOT of baseball's the cutest thing to watch him throw and hit the ball.
In other exciting news, my best friend Lauren had her little girl Charlotte on June 5! She is a doll and I am dying to meet and love on her...hoping to see her next weekend! Praying for Lauren and Brad as they discover parenthood and all the challenges but endless blessings that come with it. Love y'all!